Thursday 27 January 2022

Midwinter in Hotsprings

This time, it was not near so bad a trek to Hot Springs. I went to the fall horse market and bought a horse. He was an "Ashkevron reject" horse. Apparently he was too docile, too big, too ugly. No one wanted him. I adored him! I loved his gentle nature, his HUGE thundering hooves, his giant tree-hauling strong body. I didn't think he was ugly. I thot he was perfect in every way. They told me he would only be good for plowing and hauling. Maybe I am silly, but I love him for riding. He can certainly help with the things they suggest when there is a need, but riding him is primary. And oh boy can he strut thru snow! Like it is absolutely nothing! Just makes me love him more as I am not so fond of the cold white stuff.

I arrived midmorning. The village was just starting to set up for midwinter festivals. My inn and temple was closed up for the holidays because everyone wanted to be home with family. My apprentice wanted to stay in the quiet of the temple. I debated staying with him, but he wanted to hold a quiet vigil. So, I rode my big horse, my gentle giant, to here to see what there is. I like the mixed feeling of Hot Springs. A mix of heralds, mages, Tayledras, and well... all sorts of people. I arranged for my gentle giant to be pampered at the stable and headed out to seek .... breakfast? and maybe snow taffy? I overheard someone say snow taffy and I really need some.... but maybe not for breakfast.

I saw some faces of people I had seen when I was here in the early fall: Herald Mage Danya (who looked rough around the edges from too much use of her gift), Heralds Yarik and Kaylan, Shein and belatedly Moonstar. The healer seemed absent, likely busy this time of year with winter colds and winter injuries. The morning conversation was light as we sought tea for the morning and pocket pies. MMMmmmm... hot apple and cheese pocket pies. Shein likes lamb ones. Blech! But... to each their own. These folks then headed out to the field for winter games. Not having slept in a warm bed last night, I was disinclined to romp in the snow.

Instead, I wandered the stalls seeking out a gift for my apprentice. I found a lovely large tea mug I thot he might like. I ate my other 2 pocket pies for lunch and bought a little skewer with steaming bits of venison and vegetables. A handful of roasted chestnuts rounded out my much too big lunch. So I spent some time in the temple here making quiet offerings and just feeling the sense of peace within for a bit. 

To dodge the wildness of the winter games further, I took a room at the inn to sleep the afternoon so I could better enjoy evening festivities.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Adventure in Hotsprings

What a LOOOoong hike to Hotsprings. It was well worth it, tho. I met some wonderful people: Herald Mage Danya, Heralds Yarik and Kaylan, Shein the Artificer, Moonstar the Tayladras, and Master Healer Tam Felter. 

Hotsprings hosted a Harvest Market while I was there. Tam and I chatted about teas and tea additives. The healer has a stall with herbs where I can find some of what I seek, as well as a few new ideas... a flower with an anise flavor. Not my favourite choice, but some might like it. I came for rosehip and oranges, pumpkin, and some more exotic spices if possible. I am imagining orange and rosehip for winter tea this year... and for the fall... maybe a tea that tastes like pumpkin pie.

When I arrived in the late evening, I caught the end of a new Choosing! Someone got Chosen by a Companion right there! WOW! I never saw that before, even while studying in Haven's collegium. Clearly my nose was in a book too often or I was sequestered at too many temples studying teas to notice. It was amazing.

Before the market closed, I headed to the healer's stall and bought the items I sought... and maybe a few more: chamomile, honeybush, honeysuckle... oops... there is clearly a theme happening there.

In the morning, I did a cursory exploration of the rest of the market in the morning for the last things on my list for the pumpkin spice tea experiment. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I need to get back and check on the inn and temple. 

Maybe I will pop by Haven's Collegium for a bit of research in their library. I am working on my Master Scholar assignments after all........... but I keep being Called.... That Temple I started really Calls in more than just the capacity to be a quiet sanctuary for weary souls. Maybe I will travel back to Hostsprings as an interesting different place to work out those writings. 

Next month is Samhain. Many people honour their ancestors at the Winter Solstice. For me, I feel more inclined to do so at Samhain.

Thursday 20 May 2021

In the Beginning...

In the beginning, there was a love of all the Valdemaran world and writings by Mercedes Lackey. Fandoms arose, cosplay happened, roleplaying continues. 

The Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey fanclub. The Waystation is just one of several chapters with a focus on the Montreal area of Quebec, Canada.

Be kind...

There is no ONE TRUE WAY...